Thursday 29 May 2014

Poetry Publishing Project

A Coffee Shop
Sitting in a shop,
I'm enjoying
drinking mocha.
Milk chocolate smell
drives away my stress
I feel warm and calm
after drinking it.
Seeing others drink
different beverages,
I want to try new ones.

A Common Thai Food
Green and fragrant smell
from basil leaves
Red and spicy taste
from chilies mixed
with ivory garlics,
meats, and other ingredients.
It becomes more tasty when
eaten with
a fried egg or an omelet,
and jasmine rice.
It's not famous
as Pad-Thai, but
it is well known
as Pad-Krapow.

It took me two days to write these poems and I made 16 copies of each of them. At first, I wanted to publish them on a weekend, but I had to do something else. Therefore, I published 'A Coffee Shop' at the area around the Blenz Coffee Shop after school with Claire's help. I published 'A Common Thai Food' in the downtown area on the other weekend with my brother's help. I felt anxious and awkward to ask strangers to read my poems; my english language is not good and  some of strangers seemed busy. However, after some of them told me that they like my poems, I got more confidence and tried to finish publishing them.

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